5 Simple Steps to Make Your Coffee Table Stand Out

Our stylist Cindy navigates the steps she takes

in styling a coffee table.

15 MAY 2023

A coffee table is more than a place to put your cup of coffee, it's the centre of the room and often the centre of conversation. Its easy for a coffee table to become full and cluttered with whatever was in your hand due to convenience but this can have a flow on effect to the rest of your living space making it feel busy. Lets talk about how to properly style your coffee table to make the best out of the space and give your living room the lift it deserves.

1. Start by using a tray to use as a layering tool.

If a tray is unavailable you can use a cutting board, a low basket or wire frame. Really anything that other items can be placed in but still seen. This adds structure to your design and allows you to make additions without them looking out of place.

2. Place a vase with flowers or potted plant on the tray.

Adding grenery brings life into your setting. Sometimes this can be done outside of a tray but this can become messy and needs frequent manicuring.

3. Add small décor pieces of varying heights to complement the display.

Smaller pieces of decor are where you add the personality to your setting. Make these items that exhibit something uniquely you, this can be something you find interesting or something that represents you to others.

4. Add books. 

Make them something you find inspirational and limit the stacking to two or three books per pile. For larger coffee tables repeat this adding another 1-2 stacks on differing angles and heights.

5. Sit back and enjoy your inspired new look.